ground zero: nuclear terrorism?

ground zero: nuclear terrorism?


So far, we have first-world nations paying compensation to some of their nuclear test veterans.
When, we wonder, will this extend to everyone in fallout zones?
Including pacific islanders?
How many illnesses, deaths, media stories, court cases and public scandals will it take to get various governments to face up to their multi-billion dollar (and pound) responsibilities from the dawn of the nuclear age?
A very great many, no doubt.
Strategically speaking, it might pay our closest trading partner to align itself with the cause of pacific islanders, rather than continue to participate in fobbing off public inquiry.
New Zealand has historic precedent to do so, bravely stepping forward at one ground zero, Moruroa.
She needs to do so again.
To do less would be to reinvite accusations that New Zealand is soft on nuclear terrorism.
France and her nuclear allies got away with the Rainbow Warrior bombing, a near-final insult after decades of nuclear tests in the south pacific.
Now increasing numbers are falling sick from suspected long-term effects of nuclear test fallout.